Mariners Point Governing Documents

This page is dedicated to the Governing Documents of the community. These documents started when the community was formed in 1983 (the Articles of Incorporation) and continued with the Covenant Declarations, the By-Laws, the Amendments, the Architecture Guidelines and the Pool Pass Policy and Rules.

The Order of Precedence shall be the Articles of Incorporation, the Covenant Declaration, the Amendments to the CCR's, the current By Laws, the Book of Resolutions, and the Architecture Guidelines.

Articles of Incorporation

This document in the base document for the formation of the community. When the builder started to construct the community the 'Corporation' is a business entity to manage the properties / homes in the community.

Covenant Declaration

These are the rules governing how the corporation will act. It specifies specifics about the membership of the corporation (the community). It specifies and governs how the community can act, perform, manage, etc.


Amendments are additions or changes to the Covenants.

By-Laws (2016)

These are the current By-Laws extending the reach of the corporation in the management of the community. These By-Laws were changed by the Association membership from 2014-2016.

By-Laws (1983)

These were the original By-Laws from 1983. This document has no current validity. It is here for reference purposes only.

Book of Resolutions


This is a compendium of resolutions created by the Board to manage specific issues within the community that are not handled by the other documents.

Architecture Guidelines


This document was created over time to provide for minimum standards for all homes to follow with regard to exterior changes to the home and property.

Pool Policy & Rules

These are the Rules and Regulations of the Mariner's Point Community Association Pool

Home Resale Documents Package

To acquire a home re-sale document package, please visit:

In order to order a resale document package, you need to create an account. Then the link will take you to the main page for Mariners Point resale documents.

For More Information, call
Tidewater Property Management
443-548-0191, ext 225



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